Sunday, March 21, 2010

I'm not a leftie - not all the time.

To argue for the Republicans for a moment, a tax increase won’t solve much because it won’t be large enough to eliminate the annual deficit, let alone have much left over for repayment of the accumulated debt. It’s a weight loss analogy. When you are trying to lose weight, diet trumps exercise. So, in governmental terms, balancing the books will require more budget cutting than increases in taxation. But where do you cut? Can you get those cuts passed?

The Republicans will always control the tax debate, because the Dem’s argument requires calculation, estimates and thinking. Even with the brain effort, you’ve still got to overcome the fact that everyone pays a different tax percentage, and there will always be that one guy who calculates that a minor bump in some small tax will make his business go bankrupt. Instead of working on keeping himself afloat, he can spend endless hours writing congress about his predicament.

More right wing thinking: Why is it that lower income people tend to spend more money on beer, cigarettes and lottery tickets? What’s up with that? Making small, bad decisions over time adds up to a lower standard of living. DVDs, iPods and cell phones are not God given rights, and don’t even get me started on payday loans.

Yet, undocumented workers are paid illegally low wages, live in hovels and still find enough to send back home to their families.
***I’m rather amused around Christmas time that the atheists have no moral qualms convincing their kids that Santa Claus is real.


  1. Your argument makes logical sense, but the GOP hasn't been the party of fiscal responsibility since...Eisenhower? If you want to fight a trillion dollar war (it's going to wind up at $2.4T by 2017), you've either got to raise taxes or cut spending. The GOP did neither. I hate tax hikes on principle, but the fiscally responsible party is the one that either cuts spending or raises taxes. The party that increases spending and cuts taxes cannot claim that mantle.

  2. Of course, Obama's cut taxes for 95% of Americans. I suppose if you're in the 5% that got the 52% slice of the pie from W's tax cuts you're not happy about that, but you can't really complain given how much money you raked in in the 00's.
