Friday, April 2, 2010

Avatar, Lost, Gran Torino and the skinniest house in NYC

80% of Americans think the Supreme Court got the ruling on corporate election spending wrong. That’s a big number. Explain to me how the Supreme Court overturning 100 years of election laws and court precedent is not “judicial activism”. It is not in society’s long term interest to have ever more expensive political campaigns.

I read a synopsis that said “Avatar” takes place in “a world beyond imagination”. What could possibly be beyond my imagination? I just couldn’t imagine. It’s probably unspeakably awful. How awful? What part of “unspeakable” didn’t register with you?

The “skinniest house in NYC” just sold for $2.1 million. It is 8.5 feet wide. I saw pictures. It’s nice. At $2121 per sq ft, is it a bargain? One comment was “It doesn't feel like you're in the city.” By strange coincidence, my cubicle is also 8.5 feet wide. I wouldn’t feel like I was in the city, either. I would feel like I was at work.

If you buy the “skinniest house in NYC”, don’t eat baloney and American cheese. You’ll have to move.

I saw Clint Eastwood’s “Gran Torino”. I can’t mock it except to say that if he titled it “El Camino” it would have been a much different movie. Better or worse, I can’t say.

I’m getting a little tired of the “Lost” formula for non-plot development.

Someone Who Knows What’s Going On: You have all been brought here for a reason.

Locke: What is it?

Someone Who Knows: You have been sought out because… Aaggh! I’ve been struck by a randomly occurring plot complication! I’m foaming at the mouth! Crap, I’m dead.”

Hurley: Aw, dude! I think he ate some bad baloney. Or maybe it was the Cheez-Wiz.

(Cut to commercial/ cue creepy music)

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