Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Short takes

Strange, that sexpots like Anna Nicole Smith and Pam Anderson only seem to inspire derision from women, although men for some bizarre reason mistakenly want to see them wearing bathing suits in magazines. What do we, as men know about how hot a woman is, anyway? Obviously, deferring to women on how hot a woman is the proper way. Yes, ask a woman and they’ll tell you that Sarah Jessica Parker and Hillary Clinton are the best looking. Gosh, I’ve been so mistaken all these years.
2012 will be THE MOST IMPORTANT ELECTION EVER! How do I know? Because every presidential election is THE MOST IMPORTANT ELECTION EVER!
What do you have to do to qualify to be a “pundit” anyway? I bet it has something to do with having the right hair.
How about “INDIANA JONES and the Medi-Alert Bracelet”?The franchise has fallen and it can’t get up.
I bet that the guy who says “Previously, on Lost…” wishes that he could have had a job to say “Previously, on 24… “ but now has to settle for “Previously… on Heroes…”

There’s a bastardization of the term “free market”. Commodities are free markets. Auto manufacturers are an oligopoly. Oligopolies employ game theory. They don’t work towards excellence, they only watch what the others do. Football analogy: You’re ahead, you have the ball, and there’s only 30 seconds left on the clock. You kneel, because you’re not trying to run up the score, you only have to do one point better than your opponent. If you were playing against 1000 other teams, you’d always try to score.
If congress passed a law that mandated that the computer industry would have to quadruple their average processing speed in five years, they’d be like “Yeah, we were going to do that anyway.” When congress tells the auto industry to increase gas mileage by twenty percent in ten years, they’re all squawking about it like they’ll all go out of business.
Ford: Not physically possible!
GM: We’ll go broke!
Chrysler: We’d have to charge sixty-
GM: Uh, (whisper whisper)…
Chrysler: Seventy?
GM: Mmh. (points up).
Chrysler: - over ninety five thousand dollars for an economy model.
Congress: But the Japanese already get 20% better mileage than you guys - and cheaper.
Toyota: Leave me out of this. We just don’t want any laws that will make Detroit viable.

Why is “nonetheless” one word? Everyone damn well knows that it should be three.

The rednecks think Obama isn’t “American enough”, but aren’t these the same freaks who wanted Arnold Schwartzenegger for President? Growing up in Hawaii isn’t “real America”, but Bavaria is.

I read a conservative opinion piece from Ron Dreher. He was critical of the media’s light treatment of President Obama. He said that “liberal guilt will work like kryptonite.” Kryptonite didn’t effect anyone but Superman. So wouldn’t Obama be Superman here, not the masses of reporters? Originally, kryptonite was supposed to make Superman just like everyone else, but the way it played out was that it left him gasping for air, too weak to stand. My general rule of thumb is that anyone who routinely calls out the “MSM” is usually too far off the path to be taken seriously anyway.

On the other side of the coin, I read an op-ed that said that liberal guilt was a good thing, and its great that Obama is President because of the 400 year crime of slavery. No. On so many levels – NO.

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