Monday, June 21, 2010

God, the Devil and CEOs.

I’m shopping for a flash drive. I found one online that costs about $8 less than at Wal-Mart. But, the shipping and handling is $8. Eight dollars?? To ship something as big as this (extend middle finger)?

Creationists sometimes argue that creationism should be taught alongside evolution, and given at least equal weight. Yet, they also argue that their kids suffer because they are being taught evolution in schools and creationism in church and can’t resolve the two.

Science is natural. Scripture is supernatural, and is therefore not science. So don’t teach it in a science class. It’s like learning about good nutrition and diet tips in one magazine and learning how to make a great decadent chocolate cake in another. Anyone who is in favor of putting religion in a science class clearly does not understand either and has no business being in a position to make that decision.

Personal tax breaks have normally hurt the Federal government more than it helps the individual. On the other hand, tax breaks for corporations so often demonized by the left wing actually do attract new business and create jobs. Really. There are studies.

I read about how women make something like 75 cents on the dollar that men make, but every job that I have ever had in my entire life – from when I was an 11 year old newspaper carrier until now – has been gender neutral. In fact, at Ames Department Stores, I had additional responsibilities because when some heavy piece of furniture was purchased, I was required to haul it out to the customer’s car. If I could make 33% more than women with equal experience I want to apply for a job there based exclusively on the criteria that I have a penis.

The plight of the women who think that they should be CEOs of some Fortune 500 Corporation instead of a man doesn’t really make me want to get up and picket. Fiorina screwed up Hewlett Packard just as badly as any man could. You go girl!

”Drill, baby drill!” Yeah, that made a great bumper sticker. There was some idiot Republican that said “We won’t drill for oil on our coasts, but we’re drilling for ice on Mars. It makes no sense!” Why does my brain hurt on at least 7 different levels?

Coke positions itself as the mainstay of American culture, implying that Pepsi is a flash in the pan. Pepsi paints Coke as the choice of stodgy old geezers, whereas Pepsi was a fresh new product for the young and on the move. The Coca-Cola Company is something like 127 years old, whereas Pepsi is a youthful and dynamic 112. And it all belies the fact that any cola that you buy is less than 6 months old.

I’ve gotten tripped up in too many job interviews where the interviewer asked an ill defined question and I had no idea what they wanted to know. When they say “What experience do you have on X?” I can handle that. If they ask “Tell me about yourself,” I never know what to say. You mean what’s not on the resume? You want a resume summary? Personal life? Style? What? It’s as if you ask Michael Dell “What do you think about computers?” What do you want to know?


Another reason that my faith is weak: There was an op-ed in the local rag. This guy was saying that his father was atheistic. A few years ago, a plane crashed in Lexington, killing 49 people. The writer said that his father (who lived in Atlanta) was so upset that he promised that if his son was safe, he would go back to church. So as it turns out the writer was ok, and was very glad that God’s plan eventually worked out and his father found the Lord. But, the father’s bargain was made after the tragedy. So, if the son had been on the flight, what, God would have brought his charred remains back to life? Does God really need to kill 49 people in an airplane to save one soul? I don’t know why any major turn in life has to be ascribed to either God or Satan. We’re not just pawns in some cosmic argument between two unknowable forces. Give free will of man some credit here.

If it rains, it’s the work of the Devil. If it’s a sunshiny day, it’s the work of God, unless there’s too many days without rain, then it is again the hand of the Devil. I would think that somewhere along the way, maybe there would be a weather time-share between God and the Devil. But if a drought causes poverty in the farmland, and money is the root of all evil, wouldn’t the Devil be interested in making farmers rich?

I’ve been asked to do a few videos for work. They invariably turn out badly because of low budget and lack of time. If I thought could make money off this video thing, I’d be packing my bags for H’wood tomorrow. Maybe I’ll be the next Blair Witch Project. Two adorable little girls dressed like Cinderella and Tinkerbell will search for a witch who looks suspiciously like my wife in a black bedsheet. She can’t do the witch laugh. I can do a witch laugh. I’ll have to dub it in.

I’m waiting for a Republican to come out and say that one effective way to decrease abortions is to offer more funding for day care and free hospital stays for pregnant teens.

I might be working out too hard. Sometimes I have little hallucinations. Nothing big or scary, it’s like I was walking past my bedroom and I thought I saw a raccoon. It didn’t move, so I knew instantly that it wasn’t a raccoon. I just kept walking. When I took another look, it was a pile of clothes, which is more or less what I expected. The voices in my head don’t tell me to “Kill, kill!” It’s more like “Satan commands you NOT to say ‘please’ or ‘thank you’!”

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