Monday, June 21, 2010

Lots and lots of Republican crapola

Conservatives are trying to stop abortions by excluding them from any government sponsored plan. Cosmetic surgery has long since been excluded from insurance plans but that industry outstripped the rest of the medical industry in terms of availability and cost. I’d say that this is yet another area that the Reps are leading to a long term counterproductive unintended consequence.

If you think that Obama at times is opaque; and you don’t know what he’s thinking, you should ask Rush Limbaugh. Rush The All Knowing can peer into the heart and mind of any Democrat and immediately discern his or her inner dialogue.

Obama: While campaigning in Florida, I tasted some of the best freshly squeezed orange juice that I’ve ever had.

Rush: See? He hates California!

Obama: I said “some of the best”.

Rush: He’s waffling!

Obama: Can’t I say that I like a glass of orange juice?

Rush: What he means, folks, is that he likes orange juice more than he loves this country. He hates America and himself! I hope they both fail.

See, the man clearly has claravoyant prowess beyond mortal human beings!

I love the Reps solution to the financial crisis: Eliminate the capital gains tax. Do they not understand that failing banks have no capital gains?

You should also call in the Republicans when there is a gay couple who wants to live together and fornicate. They won’t stop the gay people from living together and fornicating, but they’ll make you feel all warm and virtuous inside by reminding you that you’re going to heaven and those gay people aren’t.

So would the Republicans cheer if a pregnant 17 year old didn’t get an abortion, but gave the baby to a gay couple? Is abortion worse than abomination?

Arguably, the $700 billion bailout is de facto socialism and has been brought to America while Obama was still only a senator, and it wasn’t his plan, or even the plan of his party.

New etiquette of the modern age: I got an email from someone with a smiley face at the bottom. Later, she wrote back and apologized. She said that she was upset when she wrote the letter. But – but – there was the smiley… She lied to me in emoticon!

The strange thing is that I just got another email from her that thanked me for help with something else – but it had a frowny face. I know I won’t get sleep tonight while thinking this one through.


I saw this YouTube video innocuously titled “Governor Beshear Speech”. It was the Governor’s State of the State address, but it had all the vocals erased and a lullaby soundtrack placed over it. What the hell? Then I got it. Like the National State of the Union, the Senate leader sits behind the Governor. Republican Senate President David Williams was dead asleep. Zonked. Out cold. Head down on desk. The Governor appeared pretty sharp and animated, for a nice contrast. Nighty night, Dave, you worthless, partisan hack!

I was at a festival, and KY senator Mitch McConnell was in the parade. Oh, joy. His aides were pushing McConnell stickers on every living carbon based life form within eyesight. I was repeatedly asked “Do you want a McDonald’s sticker?” But when I looked, it said “McConnell”. So was this a case of having complete idiots on your staff, or was it another Republican lie? How many people took the sticker and then said “I thought I was supporting Mayor McCheese!”

Congress used to be all about passing bills. Now it’s all posturing. It doesn’t help when the Reps vote in a leader like McConnell, a manipulative game player. The Dems elected Pelosi, who throws cheap shots every time she speaks. Bickering, partisan, sniping cynicism. The point is that people have to stop electing hacks and power brokers. It’s something the public says that they want, but they don’t follow through. Congress has something like a 10-15% approval rating because they play these types of games.

22 million emails from the Bush administration have suddenly reappeared. How odd. The former administration officials are saying that they were always available. Those that were actually seeking those emails say otherwise. I’m on the information seekers’ side, because the Bushies stated a few years ago that there was some sort of techno-accident that somehow “erased” all this information but it was in no way done intentionally. Of course not. No. Not the Bushies.

I know it’s just 1s and 0s and it can be stored on a drive the size of my hand, but still, 22 million emails? How do you lose that many? How do you deny it later?

I find the recent moral indignation of the right wing very troubling. They’re jubilant over the fact that the United States is going to hell because they want to take control of the government. Yeah, and the last time that happened, it was such a rousing success.

The conservatives are at the peak of unbridled hypocrisy. They’re using all the same tactics that they complained that the liberals used only six years ago. They aren’t defending the President simply because he’s the President. They’re cheering bad news because they want failure. They don’t have a coherent strategy of what to do if they were elected.

Another variation on the hypocrisy is that they want to send troops to Iran, keep them in Iraq and add even more to Afghanistan. But then they want to abolish taxes to pay for it. And balance the budget. They want to increase jobs, but they deride the bailout which kept jobs that depend on auto manufacturing, finance, education and other government work. They’re blathering about the 10th Amendment and state’s rights, but they have a big problem every time a state decides to allow gay marriage or enact gun control laws. They’re all celebrating some conservative meeting at George Washington’s home, to represent that they’re returning to the roots of American heritage, but then claim that this is the modern, post-9/11 world and we need more military tribunals.

Yes, very ironic to think that if the original Tea Party participants in 1773 were caught, they would have faced a military tribunal instead of a civilian one, and they probably would have been hanged as a result.

If Cheney thought that more troops were warranted in Afghanistan, maybe he could have said so a year sooner, or eight years sooner, whatever.

Obama is right in that the partisan BS is not helpful. He’s at least trying to rise above it. But instead of simply pointing out the flaws in the health care bill, someone like Mitt Romney bangs on the lectern and accuses Obama of trying to destroy American principles.

There’s nothing in the Constitution barring socialism. There are provisions that bar illegal search and seizure that Bush pretty much ignored. There are military regulations that ban torture. The Geneva Convention is applicable as well. Although it is unwritten, I don’t expect that the American people would consider dishonesty and gross incompetence to be in our core principles, either.

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